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Prague, Central Bohemia Region

The costumed capital city Karlín, Ruzyně, Stodůlky, Zbraslav, Smíchov. Today, parts of Prague were once villages in its surroundings. You may find it unimaginable, but even here, they wore costumes — and sometimes quite surprising models! For exampl...

Boleslavsko Region

Land of Skilled Embroiderers A rich and distinctive region where costumes lasted longer than in other parts of Central Bohemia. Mladoboleslavsko Region was somewhat farther from Prague, so urban influences did not penetrate as quickly — preserving v...

Podještědí Region

The Region of tough Mountain Men and Women You wouldn’t find the exact borders of this distinctive region easily. One thing is sure: it is overseen from the north by the Ještěd lookout tower. The people of Podještědí – or of Český Dub – are renowned...

Chebsko and Loketsko Regions

From crowns to chains The two regions are similar in many ways but also distinctly different. Chebsko Region was significantly influenced by the culture of neighbouring German areas, such as Thuringia and Vogtland. The traditional costumes of the fo...

Upper Chodsko Region

Welcome to the border guards The historical role of the Chods is also reflected in the region’s name. They patrolled the borders (“chodili okolo hranic”) – hence the Chodsko Region. Their other duties included accompanying and protecting those who d...

Lower Chodsko Region

Rich, ornate The Heart of Activity in the Lower Chodsko Region? Mrákov, one of the eleven privileged villages whose inhabitants guarded the regional borders and trade routes leading to Domažlice. Although the people of the Upper and Lower Chodsko Re...

Plzeňsko Region

Paradise of doves The Plzeňsko Region is divided into a narrower and a broader area. The first area includes the territories of the former serf villages of the city of Plzeň, such as Ledce, Chrást, and Ejpovice. Before the abolition of serfdom in 18...

Doudlebsko Region

Region of Carnival Walks Doudlebans are proud patriots and keepers of old traditions. The most famous of these is the local carnival parade with the rosary song, which has to go round every house in the village, leaving no one out. The children's Ea...

South Bohemian Blata Region

Ornateness wherever you look There are few places where you will find such picturesque scenes. Baroque homesteads with decorative gables, expansive ponds, forests full of wildlife, and vast fields that provided locals with their livelihood. And what...

Prácheň Region

A peculiar part of the Pošumaví Region Prácheň Region, located in the northern part of the South Bohemian Region and bordering the Plzeňsko Region. It encompasses several micro-regions: Strakonicko, Vodňansko, Protivínsko, and Volyňsko. Prácheň Reg...

Tábor region

Region full of Kozáks Large scarves tied to form shapes resembling goat horns at the back and men’s doublets with flaps similar to goat tails are all features of folk costumes from the Tábor region, the northern part of the South Bohemian Region, ea...

Jihlavsko Region

The Forgotten German-language Island The German history of the Czech borderlands is quite well known, but less is said about the language island in the Vysočina Region, specifically in the Horácko region. Around Jihlava, on the very border of Bohemi...

Hřebečsko Region

Meine Liebe! Once the largest German-language island in our country, the region with a rich folk culture influenced by Germanic traditions is Hřebečsko, known in German as Schönhengstgau. It is an extensive area on the border of eastern Bohemia and ...

Náchodsko Region

The Peculiarity of the North-East The submontane area nestled between the Krkonoše and Orlické mountains, made famous by the writer Božena Němcová, is known as Náchodsko. Here, you can find the renowned "Babiččino údolí" (Grandmother's Valley), loca...

Design | Platforma Shoptet
Praha + Střední čechy
Jihočeská Blata
Horní Chodsko
Dolní Chodsko
Prague, Central Bohemia Region
Boleslavsko Region
Podještědí Region
Náchodsko Region
Hřebečsko Region
Jihlavsko Region
South Bohemian Blata Region
Doudlebsko Region
Prácheň Region
Plzeňsko Region
Chebsko and Loketsko Regions
Upper Chodsko Region
Lower Chodsko Region
Tábor region