Region of Carnival Walks
Doudlebans are proud patriots and keepers of old traditions. The most famous of these is the local carnival parade with the rosary song, which has to go round every house in the village, leaving no one out. The children's Easter Egg Roll has also been preserved here. It lasts three days, from Maundy Thursday to Easter Saturday. On the eve of 1 May you can see the locals erecting maypoles. These traditions are still alive in most of the villages in the region.
When you listen to folk songs, you’ll often hear the characteristic “já som” ( in English, “I am”), which is similar to the Slovak language. For good reason, the Doudleby people were once nicknamed “somáci”. It might also be surprising to learn that bagpipes aren’t just played in Strakonice and Domažlice – Doudlebsko Region people were also skilled pipers in the past.
Local folklore groups preserve many of this area’s dances and songs. The Doudleby or Linz polka, with its men clapping in the middle of the circle, is exceptionally popular and closely resembles Austrian and German dances. It has become famous almost throughout the entire country. If you are lucky, the locals might dance it with you.