The Region of tough Mountain Men and Women
You wouldn’t find the exact borders of this distinctive region easily. One thing is sure: it is overseen from the north by the Ještěd lookout tower. The people of Podještědí – or of Český Dub – are renowned for their resilience. No wonder tackling the inhospitable mountain peaks for trade or livelihood is not for everyone. It was common for newcomers from the valleys to leave quickly, seeking comfort in the lowlands.
You could easily tell mountain dwellers from valley dwellers at first glance – the former wore primarily dark pants, while those from the plains preferred yellow trousers. They differed not only in appearance but also in dialect. While valley dwellers spoke briefly, mountain dwellers drew out their words in speech and song. The region blended German and Czech culture, with Czech women marrying into German families and German men often marrying into Czech families. Local children were frequently sent to German schools.
While walking through a village, you could often tell whether a Czech or German was approaching by their traditional costume. Because of this, in Podještědí Region, as in other border areas, traditional costumes were worn longer than in different regions.