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Privacy Policy

The controller responsible for processing your personal data:

We are OSA, z.s., ID No.: 63839997, with the registered office in Čs. Armády 786/20, Bubeneč, 160 00 Prague 6,
contact address Bělehradská 222/128, Prague 2, 120 00,
registered in the Federal Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section L, Insert 7277
Contact address for exercising your rights:

We operate an e-shop on the website.

In order to provide our services, sell goods and operate our website, we process some of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR).

I. Processing of personal data

A) Processing of personal data when using the contact form
If you enquire about our products and services, we will work with your contact details that you provide to us, mainly via the enquiry form. These are identification and contact details, in particular: name, surname, e-mail, telephone.

For what reason?
We will contact you through them to further discuss the goods and services.

On what legal basis?
This is processing on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR - contract negotiation or pre-contractual measures at your request.

How long will we process personal data?
Unless we establish further cooperation, we will process your data for a maximum of 1 year from our last communication.

B) Processing of personal data in case of purchase
If you make a purchase with us, we will work with your identification and contact details that you fill in. These are mainly billing data: name, surname, email, telephone, address, VAT number, bank account number, delivery details.

For what reason?
We need to process personal data to fulfil our contract - to deliver our goods or services to you. We will also communicate with you via your contact details regarding the status of your order, or regarding any complaints or queries you may have.
 We will also process personal data to fulfil our obligations under the law (mainly for accounting and tax purposes, or to deal with complaints and other matters).

On what legal basis do we process personal data?
The processing is based on Article 6(1)(b) GDPR - performance of a contract and Article 6(1)(c) GDPR - performance of our legal obligation.

How long will we process personal data?
For the duration of the performance of our service and thereafter for a period of 3 years from the last time such service was provided or goods were delivered.

C) Newsletters (business communications)
If you are a purchasing customer and you did not opt-out when you purchased from us, we will use your email address to send you our newsletters.

On what legal basis?
Section 7(3) of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services, allows us to do so, unless you have prohibited us from doing so at the time of purchase.

How long will we process personal data?
3 years from your last purchase. You can unsubscribe at any time by email or contact us at

II. Who gets access to the data?

Your data will stay with us. However, we do have some companies or other persons working for us who get access to the data because they help us run our e-shop. These are in particular the operator of the Shoptet e-shop platform (Shoptet a.s., with registered office at Dvořeckého 628/8, Břevnov, 169 00, Prague 6, ID 289 35 675, registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 25 395) and companies involved in: communication with you (emailing provider), dispatch and delivery of goods (forwarding companies), dispatch of payments, etc.

We process personal data only within the European Union and the EEA, we do not transfer it to third countries.

III. What else you should know

We do not have a designated data protection officer.

Our company does not make decisions based on automated processing or profiling.

If you have any questions about your personal information, please contact us at

IV. Use of cookies

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to your device when you visit our website. Cookies are then sent back to the website or another website that recognises them on each subsequent visit.

Cookies perform a variety of tasks, such as enabling you to navigate between websites efficiently, remembering your preferences and generally improving the user experience. They can also ensure that the advertisements displayed online are better tailored to your personality and interests.

We use the following cookies on the website:

  • Necessary cookies: these are required for the operation of the website, for example, to allow you to log into secure areas of the site and other basic functionality of the site. This category of cookies cannot be disabled and does not require your prior consent.
  • Analytical/statistical cookies: for example, they allow us to recognise and track the number of visitors and to monitor how our visitors use the website. They help us to improve the way the site works, for example by enabling users to easily find what they are looking for. We only run these files with your prior consent.
  • Advertising cookies: used to track preferences and allow us to show you advertising and other content that best matches your interests and online behaviour. We only run these cookies with your prior consent.

Please note that third parties (including, for example, external service providers) may also use cookies and/or access data collected by cookies on the website.

Further information about cookies and the current list of cookies can be found via the individual web browsers, most often under Developer Tools.

Consent can be expressed by means of a check box contained in the so-called cookie bar. You can also refuse cookies in your browser settings or set to use only some of them.

For more information on the management of cookies in individual browsers, please visit the following links:

V. Your rights in relation to the processing of personal data

The GDPR gives you the right, among other things, to contact us and ask for information about what personal data we process, to request access to this data and have it updated or corrected, or to request a restriction on processing, you can request a copy of the personal data we process, request that we delete your personal data in certain situations, and in certain cases you have the right to data portability. You can object to processing on the basis of legitimate interest.

If you believe that we are not handling your data properly, please contact us at or you have the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection or take your claims to court.

These terms and conditions are effective from 1.10.2024. The controller may update and modify this document, for example, if the purposes or legal titles of the processing, its contact details, etc. change.

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